
Halo Environmental Services

Reusing everything × total recycling


(937) 882-1367


Halo Environmental is dedicated to total recycling, reusing everything from the wastes that companies generate to the containers they are shipped in.  Oil never wears out, it just gets dirty.  By using newer technologies in filtration and separator/dehydration units, your oil can be cleaned, blended and refined for recyclable uses.


Halo Environmental has the experience, equipment, technology, facilities and trained personnel to manage all your environmental needs from maintenance to emergency situations.



(937) 882-1367



5548 Old Lower Valley Pike
Springfield, OH 45502


Services Offered

Vacuum Truck Services

Oil Water Separators/Pits Servicing

Machine Coolant and Lubricant Reservoir Cleaning and Fluid Removal

Assistance with Maintenance of Industrial Machines

Emergency Service

Used Oil Recovery and Recycling

Fuel and Oil Removal

Water Removal/De-Watering

Coolant Removal and Recycling

Tank Cleaning and Tank Removal

Drum Removal (Solids and Liquids)

Oil Filtering Recycling


Used Spill Pad Removal

Sample Testing and Lab Service

Used Oil Collection

We Handle all types of used oils and most non-hazardous products, including:

Used Crankcase Oil

Transmission Fluid

Surplus Fuel Oils/Petroleum Fuels


Industrial Oils:

Cutting Oils, Lubricating Oil, Machine/Gear Oil, Mineral Oil, Hydraulic Oil, Quench Oil, #6 Fuel Oil, Heating Oil, Line Wash Oil, Non-Hazardous Dielectric/Transformer Oil